Our Faith & Mission

At Vital Christ, we are called to “help those Poor & Needy Orphans of this world.” We have plans to build & operate various Christian Faith-based orphanages around the world, including Turkey, Mexico and Brazil. But most importantly, we believe that any one of our Ministries needs to only be the conduit for us to “lead to Heaven” non-believers, Muslims, Catholics and those so-called Christians who would really like to learn about Eternal Life, Heaven & Hell, the works of Jesus Christ who is only qualified to save us from our Eternal Death in Hell after our physical bodies die as we are all created by our Good God that made us with souls that last eternally. We believe:

1. All Scriptures are God-breathed! So we believe in every single word in the Bible as God has spoken them all to us! And it’s not how we feel and interpret the Bible but it is what God has said and instructed us to follow and obey in our daily lives! And we also believe in the Holy Trinity – God the Father, God the Son & God the Holy Spirit works separately but all part of One God. (2 Timothy 3:16-17, Matthew 28:19, John 1:14, Luke 1:35, Matthew 3:16-17, 1 Corinthians 8:6, 2 Corinthians 3:7, 2 Corinthians 13:14, John 14:9-11, Colossians 2:9, Isaiah 9:6, Isaiah 44:6)

2. Our God has created everyone on this Earth and this Universe! (Colossians 1:16; Genesis 1:1 and the whole Chapter 1)

3. Our God is the God of Love but also the God of Judgement, we are all called to live as “more than conquerors” just like Jesus Christ in every situation and nothing can separate from the Love of God and that we are now living in the very End Days of the End Time! (1 John 4:7; Romans 2:6; Romans 8:37-39, 2 Timothy 3:1-5)

4. We believe we are called to Love God with “all of our hearts, souls, minds and with all our strengths” (Mark 12:30-31). We also believe that we are called to Seek Him first before we can find Him. Without earnestly Seeking Him, we won’t find Him. (Jeremiah 29:13)

5. We believe in the Ten Commandments and the Lord’s Prayer as the most essential commands that God has called us to follow and pray on a daily basis.

6. We also believe that there are most biblical reasons why so many Christians are struggling financially and not enjoying the Riches that God has promised and desires in our daily lives. We believe that the “first & the best 10%” (Tithe) of all of our incomes belong to God and it is His. And anyone who obeys to give Tithe will be blessed beyond financial blessings that God has promised in the Bible. We also believe that whoever that fails to obey to give Tithe is unfortunately called as a “thief”, walking in a life of curse, and not in a life of blessings that God has prepared for them. (Malachi 3:8-12)

7. We also know by experience and believe that “Our Good God supplies all of our needs” no matter how impossible our situations may be. (Philippians 4:19)

8. God has sent His Only Son to save all of us from Eternal Death in Hell (“in a Lake of Fire”) where without Accepting, Believing & Following Jesus Christ as our Only Savior & the Only Lord of our lives, no one will enter Heaven and enjoy the Eternal Life in Heaven that God has prepared for every single one of us! (John 3:16; Acts 4:12; Matthew 25:46)

9. No other name, other than the name of Jesus Christ, is qualified to die for our Sins to lead us to an Eternal Life in Heaven. Even if we try, Heaven is a place we simply cannot enter based on our own merit. Also, a “blind cannot lead another blind”. A sinner cannot save another sinner. Without having to go through Jesus Christ, unfortunately, everyone will end up in Hell, having to die every day, having to go through those very pains & sufferings of sheer death in a Lake of Burning Fire every day and forever! (Revelations 21:8)

10. We also believe that once you chose to Accept, Believe & Follow Jesus Christ, you are called “Righteous” as we are covered by the blood of Jesus Christ and is called to do our best to “STOP Sinning”. We believe that those who do not do their best to Stop Sinning in their daily lives is not a true Christian.
(1 John 3:6)

11. For those Righteous Christians, Jesus has not only solved the biggest problem of our lives —- that is to be born with our Original Sins and is destined to die forever in Hell —- but He has also already Overcome every single problem we face daily. Yes, there are many troubles in this world, whether you are a Christian or not. And for true Christians, there seems to be more troubles. However, no need to worry. Jesus has won them ALL! All we need to do is to believe & pray for our situations to turnaround according to God’s Will & His 2,000+ Promises in the Bible for every situation. God has promised that an Overcomer will be rewarded in the end. (John 16:33, Revelation 3:21)

12. As a Christian, we believe we are called to bear Good Fruits that God desires, and without bearing Spiritual Fruits, no one will enter Heaven as Jesus Himself has warned us. It’s those Fruits that God wills in our lives matter the most in the end. (1 John 3:6; Matthew 7:22-23; Galatians 5:22-23)

13. There are too many false prophets and their false Christians in US and many other countries in the world. These false prophets only preach what people want to hear and never talk about correct doctrine of Salvation, Eternal Death in Hell, Eternal Life in Heaven with God, True Repentance & Following God on a daily basis to bear Spiritual Fruits that God has called us to bear. Too many so-called Christians only prefer those pastors who preach to them only what is pleasing to their “itchy ears.” (2 Timothy 4:3-4, Revelation 20:10)

14. Those true believers in Christ, those Righteous Christians who have not only accepted and believed Jesus Christ as their Only Savior and their Only Lord, but have faithfully followed God and done their best to be Transformed like God, bearing many Spiritual Fruits through true repentance and transformation will be raptured to join Christ, our Only Lord “in the air”. (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18)